What Reports are available on the website for any given transaction?
Depending on the transaction, you will at least find the following type of documents and information: - Offering Circular - Annual and biannual Reports - Investor Reports - Press release The acces to public funds is free nevertheless the information on private funds is restricted and require to register in.
Can Statements be downloaded?
How much history is available on each deal?
Except for the "Investor Report", the "Rating Agencies Report", the "loan balance schedule" and the "representative lines" for which only the three last reports are available, no limit of time has been defined for the others documents and information.
How do I set up my portfolio?
When clicking on each transaction, you will be given the right to "Add to my Portfolio"; or "Remove from my Portfolio" the transaction by clicking on the dedicated button. When your access to a private transaction will be confirmed, it will be by default added to your portfolio.
How many deals can I add to 'My Portfolio'?
You can add up as many deals as you wish to your portfolio.
How can I be informed of updates?
At the portfolio level exists an option to receive automatic notification by e-mail. Each time you add a transaction to your portfolio, the option is by default at "Yes". You can remove or ask for notification via the portfolio management screen.
How can I get back my lost/forgotten password?
In the Login Page you will be given the possibility to click on "ID or Password Reminder".
How do I change the mailing address used for my account?
Once entered in the website, you will see at the top of the page the "Personal Information" button. You will be then given the right to amend your Email address.
How to register in ?
You can use the link "Registration" on the home page. Once the formular filled in and validated, please check your mail box. You will receive automatically an email in order to complete the process and choose your password.
How to get the acces to private funds ?
Once registered and identified, select the "transactions" item and clieck on the link "Request Private Transaction Access" Once the formular filled in and validated, France Titriisation will accept or reject your request according to the client restrictions.